NIKSUN’s President Will be Delivering a Discourse Entitled “Cybersecurity, Compliance, and Network Infrastructure Operations – Redefined” at the ISSA Membership Meeting in Columbia, Maryland

Published on: 02-28-2024

Princeton, NJ, February 27, 2023 – Nik Pruthi, the current President & CFO of NIKSUN, Inc., will be delivering a talk enMtled "Cybersecurity, Compliance, and Network Infrastructure OperaMons – Redefined" at the InformaMon Systems Security AssociaMon (ISSA) Membership MeeMng on Wednesday, February 28th, 2024. The discourse takes place at the Maryland InnovaMon Center at 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046.

In his speech, Nik Pruthi will highlight how every organizaMon – whether small, medium, or large – can redefine their operaMons to support their ability to scale to greater heights. The talk will address a soluMon to the increasing problem every organizaMon has today: acempMng to manage, operate, and scale a disjointed and disunified architecture consisMng of a mulMplicity of varied networks (WAN, LAN, Data Centers, Cloud Services, Internet CommunicaMons, Service Mesh, and more).

He will discuss how organizaMons can move to a next-generaMon unified architecture to modernize their infrastructure and ensure secure and stable growth.

NIKSUN is the world leader in end-to-end Cybersecurity, Compliance, Availability, Network Performance Management (NPM), and ApplicaMon Performance Management (APM) soluMons. Founded in 1997, the company secures the infrastructure of thousands of customers, including the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and military agencies, U.S. Department of State (DoS), and Small to Fortune 500 businesses across every industry.

Over the last decade, NIKSUN has been developing and perfecMng a revoluMonary idea from concept to implementaMon that will secure and make robust the lifeblood of any business today: its applicaMons, services, and network infrastructure. Nik will share how the implementaMon of this architecture can enable organizaMons to provide becer service by ensuring the availability, speed, and security of their infrastructure.

Those wishing to acend this event can do so by registering here.

About NIKSUN, Inc.

NIKSUN is the recognized worldwide leader in making the Unknown Known. The company develops a highly scalable array of real-time and forensics-based cybersecurity, compliance, availability, network performance management, and application performance management solutions for government and intelligence agencies, service providers, financial services companies, and businesses such as retailers and manufacturers. NIKSUN's award-winning appliances deliver unprecedented flexibility and packet capture power. The company's patented real-time analysis and recording technology is the industry's most comprehensive solution for secure and reliable network infrastructure and services. NIKSUN, headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, has sales offices and distributors throughout the US, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.

NIKSUN, NetDetector, NetDetectorLive, NetVCR, NetOmni, Supreme Eagle, and other NIKSUN marks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of NIKSUN, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, including a complete list of NIKSUN marks, visit NIKSUN's website at

About the Central Maryland Chapter of the ISSA

The InformaMon Systems Security AssociaMon (ISSA)® is a not-for-profit, internaMonal organizaMon of informaMon security professionals and pracMMoners. It provides educaMonal forums, publicaMons, and peer interacMon opportuniMes that enhance the knowledge, skill, and professional growth of its members.

The primary goal of the ISSA is to promote management pracMces that will ensure the confidenMality, integrity, and availability of informaMon resources. The ISSA facilitates interacMon and educaMon to create a more successful environment for global informaMon systems security and for the professionals involved. More specifically, the objecMves of the Chapter are: (a) to promote the educaMon of, and help expand the knowledge and skills of its members in the interrelated fields of informaMon systems security, and informaMon or data processing; (b) to encourage a free exchange of informaMon security techniques, approaches, and problem solving by its members; (c) to provide adequate communicaMon to keep members abreast of current events in informaMon processing and security which can be beneficial to them and their employers; and, (d) to communicate to management and to systems and informaMon processing professionals the importance of establishing controls necessary to ensure the secure organizaMon and uMlizaMon of informaMon processing resources.

For more informaMon regarding the Central Maryland Chapter of the ISSA, visit


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